PatientPracticeGuid |
Guid |
Unique identifier representing a patient |
EncounterGuid |
Guid |
Unique identifier that represents the encounter |
DateOfService |
DateField |
Date of service of the encounter |
Subjective |
String |
Subjective note that was recorded during the SOAP encounter. Note that was recorded during the SIMPLE encounter. |
Objective |
String |
Objective note that was recorded during the SOAP encounter. Empty for a SIMPLE encounter. |
Assessment |
String |
Assessment note that was recorded during the SOAP encounter. Empty for a SIMPLE encounter. |
Plan |
String |
Plan note that was recorded during the SOAP encounter. Empty for a SIMPLE encounter. |
SnapshotDiagnosis |
String |
Diagnosis information attached to the encounter at the time of signing of the encounter |
SnapshotMedications |
String |
Medication information attached to the encounter at the time of signing of the encounter |
ChiefComplaint |
String |
Chief complaint related to the encounter |
SignedByProviderGuid |
Guid? |
Unique identifier of the provider that signed the encounter |
SignedDateTimeUtc |
DateTime? |
UTC date and time when the encounter was signed |
FacilityGuid |
Guid? |
Unique identifier for the facility where the encounter occurred |
SeenByProviderGuid |
Guid? |
Unique identifier for the provider who saw the patient during the encounter |
ChartNoteType |
String |
Label representing the type of the encounter |
IsSoapNote |
Boolean |
Boolean that signifies if this was a SOAP encounter. False means it was a SIMPLE encounter. |
IsVirtualVisit |
Boolean |
Boolean that signifies if the encounter was a virtual encounter |
IsPsychotherapyNote |
Boolean |
Boolean that determines if the encounter type of the encounter is psychotherapy |
LastModifiedByProviderGuid |
Guid? |
Unique identifier of the provider who last modified this record |
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc |
DateTime |
UTC date and time when the last update was performed |