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January 5, 2018

Achieve NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition

  1. What is NCQA PCMH Prevalidation?
  2. Achieving NCQA PCMH Recognition with Practice Fusion
  3. Get more out of value-based programs

We’re pleased to announce that the Practice Fusion EHR (Version 3.7) has achieved PCMH Prevalidation from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) for NCQA’s PCMH 2017 Program. This will offer your practice a streamlined pathway for achieving PCMH Recognition.

PCMH Prevalidation is designed to help practices identify health IT solutions that alleviate or make more efficient administrative aspects of meeting NCQA PCMH Program requirements. The Practice Fusion EHR (Version 3.7) now fully meets 2 elective criteria (associated with 4 credits) and partially meets 1 elective criteria (associated with 2 credits) and 3 core criteria, helping Practice Fusion customers more easily achieve PCMH Recognition. The Practice Fusion EHR (Version 3.7) also earned a supporting designation for 3 elective criteria and 7 core credits in the PCMH 2017 Standards. This means that Practice Fusion’s customers will have a more streamlined pathway toward achieving NCQA PCMH Recognition.

By following our NCQA-approved, practice-supported workflows combined with the credits you’ll receive just for using Practice Fusion’s PCMH prevalidated EHR, your practice can more easily collect points needed to achieve PCMH recognition from the NCQA.

What is NCQA PCMH Prevalidation?

NCQA’s PCMH Prevalidation evaluates EHR systems and other health technology solutions providing functionality that completely meet or support factor-level requirements within applicable NCQA PCMH Standards. A health IT solution can fully or partially meet requirements associated with core and elective credits. Once a solution receives full or partial credit for one or more factors, it is considered “Prevalidated.”

Achieving NCQA PCMH Recognition with Practice Fusion’s EHR offers many benefits for your practice

In addition to delivering a higher quality of care to patients, practices that achieve NCQA PCMH Recognition may see other benefits, including:

  • Improved efficiency and lower practice costs. NCQA’s PCMH guidelines are best-in-class for helping to streamline care coordination and care management.
  • Enhanced reimbursement support. Federal, state and commercial payers may offer incentive programs and greater support to practices that receive NCQA PCMH Recognition.
  • Additional recognition. Accreditation indicates to patients that a practice offers enhanced services and higher quality of care.
  • Streamlined participation in other value-based care models. The core competencies to becoming a patient-centered medical home can help you succeed with other value-based care initiatives and programs such as Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) and accountable care organizations (ACOs).

“Practice fusion allows us to quantify the data easily to meet the mandate of PCMH, satisfy the Triple AIM and move us toward value based care” - Cari Sukienik, Practice Manager, Western Communities Internal Medicine Solutions LLC

You can learn more about achieving NCQA PCMH Recognition by visiting the NCQA website.

Get more out of value-based programs

Achieving NCQA PCMH Prevalidation is part of our ongoing commitment to helping you succeed with value-based reimbursement. Regardless of the participation path you choose in value-based programs, our team is here to provide the tools and personal support for your practice to thrive in 2018 and beyond.

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