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November 9, 2012

iPad EHR / EMR App | Practice Fusion

Access your patient records anytime, anywhere—right from your iPad. We worked with Cooper design firm to bring you the most intuitive, easy-to-use iPad EHR app available—the Best in Category winner of the 2013 IxDA awards]( You can now see all your upcoming appointments, access existing records and chart a patient encounter with SOAP notes—all from the palm of your hand.

Sign up today by visiting our Facebook page then fill in your details on the iPad beta sign up form. We’ll be granting access to active EHR providers, first-come, first-serve, over the next few weeks.

You’ll receive an email once you are given beta access. Using the unique link in the email, you can log in into this browser-based iPad app directly from Safari. Read on to learn more about the features of this initial iPad version.

See your upcoming appointments

Your portable assistant for your daily patient encounters, the iPad app is centered around your upcoming appointments.

When you first log in, you’ll see your upcoming appointments for the day. Each appointment will include:

  • Patient name and photo
  • Time
  • Facility
  • Appointment type
  • Chief complaint
  • Check in status (i.e. pending, arrived, etc)

You can select another date by simply clicking the arrows at the top of the appointments list. If you have no patients on the schedule for the selected day, check your main EHR to see if you have appointments scheduled there. You can also search all your patients with the search bar above.

As your staff manages your appointments from the normal EHR, you can easily refresh the appointment status list—simply use your finger to pull the list down and release it.

Access all your existing patient information

Access convenient patient facesheets with a single tap. All your existing chart notes are just another tap away.

From the appointment list, simply tap on an appointment to open the patient’s chart. If you are looking for a specific patient or don’t have upcoming appointments, just use the patient search bar at the top left to search through all your existing patients.

A patient facesheet will appear on the right which includes a summary of active diagnoses, drug allergies and medications that you have already entered into their chart. You’ll also see their basic demographic information in the blue patient marquee:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • Insurance
  • Phone number

All your existing charts for the are accessible simply by tapping on Timeline under the blue demographics bar. The timeline contains a chronological chart note list with your patient’s whole charting history, including vitals, SOAP notes and other chart notes.

Seamlessly chart your patient visits

Chart directly during your patient encounter with real-time updates to your EHR—and spend more time seeing patients.

From the patient chart pane, click the + Action icon below the blue patient demographic bar to start a new chart note. You can choose to start a simple note or a SOAP note, which will appear under the timeline.

Once you create a new note, tap the pencil icons to enter the vitals. After finishing the vitals and tapping Next, you will automatically be prompted to enter information in the other sections of the note.

When filling out your notes, you can use your frequent templates and previously used templates by tapping on the tabs at the bottom of the note, or type the note directly by tapping the Keyboard tab. Once you finish filling out each of the sections, click Sign Note to finalize the note content.

While charting in the timeline, a time-stamp at the top right will indicate when the note was last updated. Updates will automatically sync with the EHR, so you’ll always be current with your staff. You can also simultaneously log in on your normal EHR to finalize your charts or e-prescribe after the visit.

Any existing note without a lock icon next to it can be edited by simply tapping on the title, then updating it using the pencil icons.

Just a glimpse of what’s to come

This powerful patient encounter app is only a glimpse of what you’ll be able to do on the iPad. Major new releases are coming every few weeks, not months.

If you are part of the iPad beta, let us know what you think in the comments below. Your feedback will help us develop even more useful features for your practice.

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