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June 26, 2012

Five 5-minute Ways to Get Your EHR Started | Practice Fusion

Getting started with Electronic Health Records can feel daunting and overwhelming at first. As an Account Manager, I communicate with hundreds of physicians, nurses, and staff members to guide them through the implementation process. To help you get started on patient charting, e-prescribing and labs, I’ve outlined 5 easy steps to get started with Practice Fusion—in only 5 minutes.

1. Sign Up

It’s easy to get started with Practice Fusion, even if you just want to sign up to test it out. Just click on the Sign Up button above and fill out the form below:

Easy, huh? You’ll immediately be assigned to a dedicated Account Manager like me who will answer any questions you have about your new EHR.

2. Start a Chart Note

You’re ready to start a chart note! You can use our charting feature to start using your EHR to match your existing patient visit workflow immediately.

To start a chart note, click on Charts, then double-click a pre-loaded test patient, then click Start a chart note. Choose SOAP Note. You can easily view the available templates and start charting right away by clicking in the box in the “subjective” section of the note next to the “S”. Try exploring the various sections of the SOAP note to get familiar with the pre-loaded templates.

Once you are comfortable navigating the chart note, Practice Fusion also makes it very easy for you to customize and create your own templates to make charting more effective. Just click the pencil icon on any template item. This makes it very easy to replicate your current workflow and spend more time with your patients.

3. Import your Patient List

Next, let’s add your existing patient list to your account. If you have an Excel or CSV file of your patient demographics, Practice Fusion will save you a lot of time by importing the list for you at no cost! To upload your patients, click charts, then click Import Patients in the top right corner. You’ll see the following screen:

Click the link to upload the Patient Demographics file and your patient information will be uploaded shortly. If you don’t have an Excel or CSV list but are using practice management software, we may be able to help you copy over your demographics - just give us a call to learn how.

4. Sign up for eRx and Labs

Practice Fusion offers the #1 EMR for e-prescribing. If you are a Medicare provider, this makes us an easy way to avoid the coming eRx Penalty. You can sign up for e-Prescribing by clicking on the eRx tab in your EHR. You’ll see this screen:

eRx screen

Just click the ‘Get eRx form’ button, print out the form and send it back to us—we’ll take care of the rest.

5. Sign up for Lab Integration

Your EHR can order and receive labs from the country’s top laboratory companies—and you can get integrated in no time. Just click the Labs tab, choose your desired labs and click Sign up. It’s that easy!

If you do not see your lab of choice, just click the link at the bottom left of the Labs screen to suggest one.

Take the next step: Schedule a Training Session

Congratulations! You’ve just set up all the major features of your EHR in no time. If you are ready to learn more about all the new features at your fingertips, we offer live training, featuring Q&A with our Support Specialists:

  • Live Tour
  • Patient Visit Walk-through
  • Staff Level Training
  • Nurse Level Training
  • Provider Level Training
  • eRx Training
  • Customizing Templates Training
  • Meaningful Use Webinar
  • MIPS/MACRA webinars

And always remember, we have a dedicated team of Support Specialists and Account Managers here in San Francisco that will help you understand your EHR. Get in touch, or get instant answers to your EHR questions at Practice Fusion Help Center. We’re looking forward to help you get started!

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